Imagine a skyscraper functioning as a living organism with hundreds of balconies, people and their objects. These objects often, accidentaly or deliberately, fall off balconies mentioned before. Avoiding the vicinity of the skyscrapers because of the dangers these unwanted objects posses is an unwritten rule that parents warn their children about. Artist Zela Luša spent her childhood in such a skyscraper and that is the motivational triger for the video artwork „Sila teže“ („Force of Gravity“). In a short period of time, Zela Luša becomes an artistic object and brings to the audience the worst case scenario regarding the activity of the force of gravity. At the same time, in a slightly humourous manner, she describes childhood adventures, colourfully describing effrontery of the neighbours who threw things from windows and balconies, not caring for other people. The artist encourages us to think about the elementary aspects of everyday actions and our relation with the world. The world without which this kind of life force would not exist.
(Dora Barbarić, curator)

„…Globalised contemporary world is ruled by general interrelatedness. Many various interactions are multiplying on a daily basis and in the centre of such relations stands a common and vulnerable individual. This is how artist Zela Luša represents herself in the video artwork „Sila teže“ („Force of gravity“). Everything is focused on her, she is in the centre of activity, more accurately, her head, onto which various objects are falling in different aggregate conditions. Similarly to the real life, one can not predict what happens next, but according to universal laws of nature, the contact is inevitable…

…The artist provokes many questions but she does not offer answers to them!? She stoically embraces enforced societal norms and rules of play. It is neither comfortable nor painless, and the impact itself is often unexpected and shocking. The inevitable and eternal question is, how to resist it?...

…What is the power of the individual towards the society and „universal“ laws? Does one rebel's reaction provoke that of another? Is every deviation from dominant norms and values supressed so it would not be punished? With all that in mind, are we going to calmly sit down while yolk is dripping from our forehead!?“
(Kristina Perišić, sociologist associate)

Zela Luša (1982, Split)

Graduated in photographical design from the School of Fine Arts. Obtained a bachelor's degree in 2011. from the Academy of Fine Arts, Split. Currently a graduate student of animation at the Academy of Fine Arts, Split. Participated in several group exhibitions.

Dora Barbarić (1993, Slavonski Brod)

Graduated from Turističko ugostiteljska škola, Šibenik. Currently a final year undergraduate student in Art History and History at the Faculty of Philosphy, Split.

Kristina Perišić (1994, Split)

Graduated from II. gimnazija, Split. Currently a second year undergraduate student in Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Split.