Exhibition program:
September 29th Nina Kamenjarin / Vanda Franičević
10th of October Jadranka Kljajić / Jasmina Šarić
13th of October Marko Grgat / Anđela Prnjak
20th of October Nina Dajak / Josipa Begonja
27TH of October Hrvoje Pelicarić / Petra Dajak
Concept & curating
Božo Majstorović
Vedran Perkov
Lana Beović
Tina Vukasović
Faculty of Philosophy, Split
Ivana Čapeta Rakić
Anči Leburić
Ivana Meštrov
Dalibor Prančević
Andrea Vladislavić Šetka
Academy of Arts , Split
Blaženka Perica
Viktor Popović
The project is conceived by the museum advisor Božo Majstorović and the artist Vedran Perkov, and commenced in 2012. The project is a collaborative platform, conceived with the intention of promoting collaboration between the youngest members of the Split art scene. Trough production of exhibitions the students of the Art Academy present their art work to the public, whilst the curatorial tasks, assistance with exhibition conception and realisation, are performed by the art history students of the Philosophical University of Split. The project is mentored by university professors, whilst the Museum of Fine Arts offers space, as well as technical and professional resources. In short, students of collegial universities have the opportunity to collaborate and produce a professional exhibition, and trough practice become acquainted with the functioning of the museum / gallery.
As a result of the Tuesdays at the Gallery/ Fast Forward project, an informal, yet effective, cross institution partnership has formed. The programme has been realised in cooperation with the colleagues from the Academy of Arts, Split, and the Art History Department of Split's University of Philosophy. During the past three years thirty young artists have exhibited their works and as many young art historians have tasted curatorship. Three joint catalogues have been published.
This year the project has expanded to include students from the Department of Sociology, of Split's University of Philosophy, under the guidance of Professor Anči Leburić. They in turn will assess the project using methods and tools of their discipline. For this purpose a survey has been organised, in order to question all the project participants, the artists, the curators, and the public. Additionally to the survey and analysis of the given information, the future sociologists will participate in a public discourse, to be held at the end of the summer/autumn cycle. A new collaborative vision is forming, with the sociologists, joining the usual artist & curator tandem in the realisation of individual exhibitions.