At a moment when Lordan Zafranović was about to leave Split Cine Club in 1966, Vjekoslav Nakić became its new author. Nakić was studying chemistry, and although he remained Club's member for no more than three years, he managed to master all the film making skills and realize respectful body of work. Moreover, the "scholars" of the "Split School" believe that his opus for years and still today is unjustly neglected. Partly the reason is longstanding inaccessibility of Nakić's "eight" films produced in Club, and partly because of the fact that he continued his education in Belgrade where he became a member of the Academy of Cinema Club. As Miodrag Bata Petrović says, to Belgrade’s Club he brought a little bit of Ivan Martinac, a little of young Lordan Zafranovic, and a little bit of GEFF.

Petrovic's definition of Nakić's poetics is fairly accurate, and even though it is incomplete it does not mean Petrović considers him an epigone and eclectic mimicking senior authors and models. Nakić had rapid artistic development that has included narration of Zafranović's type, Martinac's poetic and meditative sensitivity, all the way to the experimentation with GeFF's aesthetics that marked the final phase of his work as amateur film director. He stopped making films when, as he said, he exhausted all the possibilities of its aesthetic reduction, and did not want to repeat himself artistically.